Dear friends,
This year the Order of Mercy celebrates the 800th anniversary of its foundation; eight centuries, neither more nor less, of Mercedaria presence in History. Many lay or religious organizations can not say the same thing. Either because they are much younger or because they have disappeared through the inexorable passage of time, for reasons of different kinds.
While it is true that the Order of Mercy has always been characterized by not attracting too much attention, focused as it has always been on the performance of its mission rather than disclosing it, we believe that this 2018 is an excellent opportunity to make it known. little better and evaluate the footprint that has left in history …
And what better way to do it than with a Historical Symposium of Academic Character in which authorized voices from the world of the university and the study participate. Specifically the next days 8 and 9 November at the Ateneu Universitari Sant Pacià.
Since the Order of Mercy had its origin in Barcelona and has taken the name of the city to all corners of the world, being one of its best ambassadors and values of justice, equality and coexistence of its inhabitants, we have considered appropriate to celebrate this Symposium in the City where everything began and where the Virgin Mary was also known by her surname of “La Merced”.
We have been preparing for months, with dedication and work, this Symposium to be at the height of what this city and our Mercedarian ancestors, writers of history, deserve.
We want these lines to be an invitation for you to attend this Symposium. We have worked hard so that at the same time wake up and satisfy your curiosity in an efficient and pleasant way, and you can know with objectivity the deeds and achievements of our ancestors. Gestures and achievements of which Barcelona must feel happy because this modest Order is her daughter.
We will wait for you….
Historical Symposium The Order of Mercy 800 years. Barcelona, 8-9 November 2018
Preliminary program
Moderator: Fr. Joaquín Millán
Speaker: Fr. Manuel Anglés
(45 ‘)
Speaker: Dra. Teresa Vinyoles
Moderator: Fr. Stefano Defraira
11:45 h “The Mercy in its Origins “(45 ‘)
Speaker: Fr. Juan Pablo Pastor
Speaker: Fr. Enrique Mora
Moderator: Dr. Daniel Piñol
Speaker: Dra. Dolors Bramón
Speaker: Dra Concepción Rodriguez Parada
Moderator: Fr. Manuel Anglés
Speaker: Fr. Stefano Defraia
Speaker: Dra María Teresa Ruiz Barrera
Moderator: Dr. Josep Maria Sans i Travé
Speaker: Fr. Joaquín Millán
Speaker: Fr. José Zaporta Pallarés
Moderator: Dr. David Abadies
Speaker: Fr. Juan Pablo Pastor
Secretaria Técnica / Inscripciones
Sr. Jesús Maldonado
Telf: 618152268
*Inscripción 40€ (Incluye Asistencia a las ponencias, Material de apoyo y Comida del Jueves 8 de Noviembre en la Sede del Simposio)
Dr. Armand Puig
Fr. José Juan Galve
Dr. Josep Maria Sans i Trav
Dr. Daniel Piñol
Dr. David Abadias
Fr. Juan Pablo Pastor
Fr. Joaquín Millán
Fr. Fermín Delgado
Sra. Núria Ortín
Fr. Manuel Anglés
Fr. Stefano Defraia
Fr. Juan Pablo Pastor
Fr. Enrique Mora
Fr. Joaquín Millán
Dra. Dolors Bramón
Dra. María Teresa Ruiz
Dra. Teresa Vinyoles
Ateneu Universitari Sant Pacià
C/Diputació, 231 • 08007 Barcelona