


In the community of Elche-Alicante we act in:

1. Prevention

1.1 Infant Catechism of the Mercedarian Children’s Movement.

1.2 Youth Catechesis.

1.3 Assistance from parish Caritas to families in need of the Parish of San Vicente Ferrer of Elche.

2. Prisons

2.1 Fontcalent Penitentiary Center.

3. Reinsertion Floors

3.1  Centre “Pedro Arrupe” for men

4. Programs

4.1 Penitentiary Mediation Program

4.2 Program of preparation for freedom for second and third degree inmates.

5. Dissemination, Awareness and Cooperation.

5.1. In the eucharisties

5.2 In the campaigns of the Order of Mercy on issues of Social Exclusion.

5.3 In third world development projects.

5.4 Sponsorship in Guatemala, Panama and El Salvador.

6 Other

6.1 Wardrobe for indigent inmates

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